Choose the plan that's right for you

WA - Warranty EW - Extension Warranty SU - StartUp Care* PV1 - Preventative Plus PT - Protective
Labor and Travel for Repair
Certified Parts for Repair
10% Off
Annual Preventive Maintenance
Certified Parts for Preventative Maintenance
Telephone / Email Technical Support
Modification Type 1
Modification Type 2
Operational Qualification
Installation Qualification / Operational Qualification



optional at additional charge

Get in Touch

Keeping your research moving forward is our top priority. Reach out today to efficiently schedule service or find an answer to your question.

Call Service

Have a question or need to schedule service? Call us today at 1800 210 9340.

Email Service

Need to schedule service? Email us today at [email protected].

Technical Support

Need technical support? Send an inquiry.